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Anda-Olsen has relocated its office and warehouse. Click here to read more and get directions to the loading ramp.

Power companies

UPS, battery, and charging systems of the highest quality for power and utility companies throughout Norway.


We offer stand-alone products, but also custom-design complete systems according to your wishes and needs.

Long distances between stations, difficult access during parts of the year, and little to no warning on battery status. These are some of the challenges many power and utility companies face in their daily operations.

Anda-Olsen manufactures products that ensure uninterrupted power supplies for critical installations and has been doing so for over half a century. We have a strong connection to the maritime industry, which has also guided the development of our proprietary products. The tough and unique demands of this market have made Anda-Olsen’s products robust enough to be used in many different markets worldwide.

All our products and solutions can be delivered with service agreements tailored to our customers’ needs. Service, monitoring, and preventive maintenance all have a common goal — to ensure uptime for your system. Read more about aftermarket and service.

Uninterrupted Power Supply for Power and Utility Companies


  • Batteries for battery banks at remote stations
  • Batteries for line breaker cabinets mounted on poles
  • UPS with battery bank for operations centers
  • Rectifiers for network stations and substations
  • Design of standard DC systems (rectification, distribution, and battery bank)
  • Supply of custom-designed systems for projects with special requirements


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Anda Cloud


Our cloud-based IoT solution provides real-time data for critical installations.
Monitor battery banks and UPS systems with continuous status reporting.


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